Saturday, February 11, 2006

Harper's Cabinet

Re: "Harper starts a run on the trust bank"

There has been exaggerated outrage this week from pundits over some of Stephen Harper's cabinet choices. It's a safe bet most of those sources don't like the idea of "Prime Minister Harper" to start.

So far, he hasn't yet plundered the public treasury to funnel millions to his party, he hasn't promised us nineteen "number one priorities", he hasn't allegedly leaked any stock tips, he hasn't misspent billions in unaccounted "job creation" or gun registration, he hasn't allegedly funnelled money to his own family's hotel, and he hasn't choked anyone.

Despite the whining from pundits, Ipsos-Reid says 54% of Canadians approved of his first week in office, even though only 36% voted for him.

So far, not bad at all.

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