Saturday, September 23, 2006

If It Saves Just One Life ...

Yesterday on Canada Free Press, Arthur Weinreb highlighted the lower-than-dirt levels to which Liberals are stooping to play politics with the latest mass shooting in Montreal. Specifically, this quote really got my attention: "The most exploitive and ridiculous question of the day was asked by Liberal Lucienne Robillard -- 'Why does the minority government not recognize that this registry is valuable, even if it saves just one life?' "

Arthur then rhetorically suggested, "Even if it just saves one life! Since when do we pass laws for the purpose of saving just one life? ... If we were really concerned about having laws that saved at least one life, we would drop the speed limits on the country's highways to 10 km/hr. That would be bound to save a lot more lives than just one."

I've been using the 10 kph argument for over 5 years (see my Feb. 11, 2006 post below ... "Gun Deaths and Liberal Logic"), and I'm glad to see someone else finally pick it up. It is right on the money for all of those gun-confiscation ... er, gun control advocates, and for all of the history-challenged pacifists on the left who want to cut and run because we've suffered some battle casualties in a war zone (imagine).

Not to trivialize the ultimate sacrifice made by some of our brave fighting men and women serving in Afghanistan, but to date, the total number lost in combat in three years in that most dangerous place is 1/22 of the total lost annually in murders right here in Canada.

So for those wing-nuts on the left, at the CBC and in the Liberal party who think they can legislate perfect safety to the point of immortality, here are some other great ideas to keep them squarely on their path of self-important moral superiority:

Ban all drinking of alcohol ... Lord knows it would save thousands of lives per year, not just one ... so to a Liberal, it would be "worth it".

Ban all golf. Several golfers are killed by lightning strikes every year, and to a Liberal, if you save just one life, "it's worth it".

Ban all internal combustion engines. Physicians have been giving us the stats on how many people die every year from inhaling smog and ozone, and .... if it saves just one life, according to a Liberal, "it's worth it".

Ban all swimming and vacationing in cottage country in Ontario. Reportedly 34 people drowned in Ontario this summer, 8 more than have died in military service in 3 years in Afghanistan to date, so to a Liberal, "if it saves just one life ...".

Ban all fast food, ban hockey, ban all amusment parks, ban adventure travel, ban fishing, ban snow shovelling, ban sea food, ban peanuts, ban air travel and ban farming ... all of which cause multiple deaths every year ... because according to "Liberal logic" ... if it saves just one life, IT'S WORTH IT!

Reality check: In my opinion, there is no argument too far-fetched, too illogical, too transparent or too stupid that a Liberal won't try to use it for attempted political gain. In my opinion there is no significant event good or bad, no war, no tragedy, no death, or natural disaster so horrible that a Liberal won't cynically attempt to twist it to try to win power. To a Liberal, power is everything, and based on my lifetime of observation, I believe that a liberal will say or do ANYTHING to get it.

Vote Liberal ... Live Forever! Why not? It's only a stupid election promise.

Friday, September 22, 2006

The Case Against the Gun Registry

"Gun control" is one thing, and I support some measure of that. There are individuals in our society who should not have guns, nor should they have access to guns. And there are some weapons in the world I would just as soon not have stored in my neighbour's basement ... rocket launchers, chain guns, hell-fire missles and such. Fair enough.

But here is the reality of legal gun ownership as it already exists. To own a gun legally in Canada, I have to be trained and tested in the safe use and storage of firearms. I have to be checked out by the authorities as being a stable individual who is unlikely to use my legally-acquired weapons for anti-personnel, or dangerous use. And I must keep my weapons locked up in a secure locked cabinet, with locked trigger guards in each weapon that will not permit unauthorized use of the weapon, and with ammunition locked securely in a separate location.

Fair enough. No argument here either. That's multiple redundancy in the CURRENT regulations. Trained, tested, checked and approved owner, with locked, disabled and deprived-of-ammunition weapons.

But what about the vaunted "Gun Registry" that supposedly still isn't "tough enough" for the CBC, Liberals and other egg-headed media types? How does this gross waste of resources and money enhance the safety of society? What more does it accomplish than licensing individuals? After all, guns don't just jump out of closets on their own and shoot people.

Well, it strategically catalogues one-by-one all of the legally owned guns in Canada, who owns them, and where they are located. This is supposedly (the big justification) to "enhance the safety of police" should they ever be called upon to attend a residence where said weapons are owned, so they can prepare accordingly ... as rare an occurrence as this certainly is in the overall scheme of things, given the huge numbers of firearms that are legally owned in Canada, and the hundreds of thousands of legally licensed gun owners.

I contend the police only need to know that an individual has the legal right and means to own firearms. It would be prudent, knowing just that one single fact, to enter the premises armed and prepared accordingly. The suspect may be armed, so enter prepared for an armed individual. Duhhh ... am I missing something?

For example, if he's licensed to own a simple hunting firearm, and he only has only one, he may well have the most dangerous of all close-quarters combat weapons, a 12-gauge shotgun loaded with 00 buckshot. Does it really matter that he also owns twelve black powder muskets, one .22 cal. target rifle, a bolt-action .30-06 hunting rifle, a .243 single-shot varmint rifle, and his father's treasured collection of never-been-fired Winchester model 94 lever action .30-30 collector series? Of course not. He can only fire one at a time, and it only takes one to cause a severe danger to said police.

He's licensed. Enter prepared. That's all you need to know for police safety.

If he's licensed to own fully-automatic weapons, pistols or other restricted or prohibited categories of firearms, he's already required to register each one of those separately, and he's required to be licensed to own such weapons in the first place. This is a difficult license to obtain with many conditions and restrictions. You don't need the gun registry to advise police that they are in the house. They have known this since about 1938.

Sorry, but the ONLY reason to catalogue and locate every firearm in Canada is so that, when the time is right, it will be a piece of cake to round them all up and confiscate them. Liberals and the CBC want our guns. They think NOBODY should own guns. Their morally-superior "progressive" values are more valid than my traditional values. They believe they have the divine right to confiscate my legally-obtained property because it offends their "advanced" urbane, pacifist sensibilities. It's all about philosophy. It has absolutely nothing to do with public safety. NOBODY in this great country will ever convince me otherwise.

Confiscation is the ultimate goal, and the gun registry is the necessary first step. All the rest is CBC-Liberal ka-ka, pooh-pooh, and bald-faced lies.

Kill the gun registry. It is a multi-billion dollar waste of taxpayer money spent to prepare for confiscation, and (!!) to buy jobs (Liberal votes) in New Brunswick. And once it's killed, throw all of their computers into the Bay of Fundy.

The Liberals will, sadly, be back some day, and they'll pick up where they left off. Destroy their records and at least set them back another decade. Make them start all over again. The fight with the left is far from over. No matter how many times they are proven wrong, they just don’t get it.