Friday, October 10, 2008

And this man wants to be your PRIME MINISTER?

On the eve of the election, Stephane Dion demonstrates just how unprepared he is to be the Prime Minister of ALL of Canada.

Watch it here:

And here:

I know a refugee from Honduras in Toronto who, until one year ago had never spoken a word of English. His English speech and comprehension are stellar compared to Professor Dion, who has reportedly lived in Canada for some 53 years.

How can you be Prime Minister when you are unable to communicate effectively with 78% of the population?

This was a simple question, clearly enunuciated in three different ways, and Dion could obviously hear the interviewer ("hearing problem" my a*&). It is now clear he simply doesn't understand English. We already knew he can't speak it coherently.

So Professor Dion has wrong-headed policies (increased taxes and spending at a time of economic crisis and uncertainty) spun dishonestly (revenue neutral - NOT - when you consider how much your cost of living will rise as a result of his ill-considered "Green Shift", and how little your taxes will drop - if at all), is making up policy on the fly, and now we have clear evidence that he cannot communicate effectively with 78% of the population.

Stephane Dion is clearly unfit to lead Canada.