Sunday, January 08, 2006

Another "Decade of Deception"

From the CBC's Liberal-friendly headlines, "Martin announces $1-billion water cleanup" - Sat. Jan. 07, 2006

But when you read the details, the $1-billion pledge is spread over 10 years, over 3 provinces and over 5 initiatives!

So why stop there? Why not announce a $3 billion dollar investment over 30 years, and then run the headlines, "Martin announces $3-billion cleanup"? Or make it over 100 years and headline "Martin announces $10-billion cleanup".

This is also now a favourite Ontario Liberal tactic as well ... making big headlines out of extrapolated small annual expenditures into the next millennium. Great strategy. By the time the lie has been finally consummated after a decade, half of the electorate has died or moved, the other half have long-forgotten, and the guys who made the promises in the first place are living on tax-funded pensions.

Will CBC's Neil MacDonald "Reality Check" these guys? I doubt it.

Anything beyond the longest-possible mandate (5 years) is completely dishonest electioneering.

But then, given the Liberals' recent history, that IS the ballot question, isn't it.